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Some of the ideas within a talk which I gave at the conclusion of my commission in Cirencester have led me to write a book which has been accepted for publication by SLG Press. Entitled The Road to Emmaus - a sculptor's journey through time, it is due to be released later this year.
After completion of my work in Cirencester, I was asked to produce a sculpture for my own parish church of St. Andrew. The maquette (destined to go to the church school) has been produced, and currently stands as a small sculpture at the side of the altar. It is hoped that the original request will ultimately result in a  life-sized work at the entrance to the churchyard.  

St. Andrew's is an unusual church, in that the church building has been shared with the Roman Catholic church of St. Cross since the 1980s. I wished to celebrate this act of ecumenism by including both St. Andrew and the Cross within the sculpture. The work began at the time Russia invaded the Ukraine, and it was significant for me that St. Andrew is a patron saint of both countries. Work on it continued during the time of Hamas's act of slaughter and the ensuing horror in Gaza. Its form and significance have been influenced by those events, and have resulted in an image of the maquette being included in a book called Poems on Conflict  published by a writers' forum at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. A full description of the sculpture's meaning is described in the conclusion of my Road to Emmaus, mentioned above.  

During the past year, I have written a number of articles for The Jackdaw art magazine, and a review of Charles Miller's The Spiritual Adventure of Henri Matisse for the Fairacres Chronicle.
Rodney Munday- Sculptor Much Hadham, Herts SG10 6BB UK Miramont, 09140, Oust, Ariege, France Phone +44(0)1279 843652 (UK) +33(0)561 964672 (France) Mobile 07981 472751 email
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